๐Ÿช Privacy Policy and Cookies


In short:

  • Cookies are opt-out by default, in line with GDPR;
  • By opting-in, a cookie is placed on your browser for 31 days, after which you will be prompted again;
  • This cookie will enable me to analyse anonymised IP traffic to pages on my website, using Google Analytics.

Note that even anonymised data counts as personal data under GDPR and ICO guidelines. I will only ever analyse the data in aggregate.

โ„น๏ธ More information

I use Google Analytics (Tag Manager) to track anonymised IPs and the links they click on for this website. This is helpful as I can see which blogs people are drawn to, or a rough estimate of the number of people who have viewed the site.

Of course, I understand and respect peoples privacy. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s opt-out by default, and you have to opt-in by explicitly clicking the button on the banner at the bottom of the page. If you donโ€™t see a banner, thatโ€™s because you clicked โ€œNoโ€ at some time in the last month (31 days).

This is in line with GDPR law. You explicitly have to opt-in to cookies rather than one just being placed in your browser for you.

To show you theres no funny business, the code that implements this cookie is open source (as is my whole website) here. Interrogate it for yourself, and raise Github Issues / discussion / email me if you want to discuss any of it with me!

Figure 1: You, right now (probably)