
I studied at UCL from 2018-2019, where I graduated with Distinction from a MSc in Computational Statistics and Machine Learning.


Taught Courses

I studied the following courses, where I averaged ~85% overall.

  • Supervised Learning
  • Statistical Models and Data Analysis
  • Statistical Natural Language Processing
  • Advanced Deep Learning and Reintorcement Learning, taught by Google Deepmind
  • Machine Vision
  • Affective Computing and Human-Robot lnteraction
  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Probabilistic and Unsupervised Learning, a PhD module taught by the UCL Gatsby unit
  • MSc Project

MSc Project

I completed my MSc Project in the area of Natural Language Programming (NLP). Specifically I was investigating methods of “aspect-based sentiment analysis”, understanding sentiments towards key topics and aspects within a sentence.

My methodology built on top of state-of-the-art deep learning models, specifically Google BERT variants, using the Huggingface Transformers library.

I completed this project during a 4 month internship with a scale-up tech company, Streetbees, where I was a Research Machine Learning Scientist as a part of their research team. This research was integrated into their company codebase and used in production.